Owning a dog can be loads of fun! Dogs are truly amazing. They provide great company, affection and unconditional love. They get us up and exercising, and many studies show that owning a pet improves our health - both mentally and physically!
Below are some requirements for a healthy, happy hound:
Feed your pooch an appropriate, balanced diet to maintain their condition and health
Check out the chart to show the ideal weight for your pup
Don't feed cooked bones to your dog, as they can splinter and cause terrible injuries
Supply clean, cool water at all times, and use a container that cannot be tipped over
Provide a comfortable, dry sleeping area, with shade during the day.
Take your dog to the vet each year for vaccinations
Protect your dog by treating for fleas and ticks, and worming (including heartworm)
Spend lots of time with your pup - dogs are pack animals. They love the company of other dogs and people, and are unhappy if left alone for long periods.
Regularly exercise and socialise your pup - this is necessary for their physical and mental health
Don't allow prohibited procedures such as tail docking or ear cropping - it's cruel and unnecessary!
If you're adopting a dog (or any companion animal) from us, they will already by desexed. There are many benefits to desexing dogs: they can be better behaved, less likely to roam and wander, and they will not contribute to the pet overpopulation crisis. Desexing pets can also prevent them from getting certain types of cancer.
You are legally required to securely confine your dog to your property. This means your yard must have a secure gate and a fence that your dog cannot jump over or get under or through.
If securely confined, your dog will be safe from traffic injuries or fights with other dogs or foxes. They will also be prevented from wandering or getting lost.
A dog of any size, age or breed can become aggressive with they are defending their territory. Most dog attacks occur on the footpath or road bordering the attacking dog's home or property. For this reason, it is very important to ensure your dog is securely contained.
If your dog rushes at or chases someone, you may be fined, and your dog declared as a 'Menacing dog.' If your dog attacks a person or animal, penalties may include court action, fines, damages, and the declaration of your dog as 'Dangerous' and he or she may even be put down. Be careful and vigilant at all times! If your pup has some aggression issues towards other dogs or people, seek advice and training from a qualified dog trainer in your area.
Barking is a natural behaviour for dogs - it is one way they use to communicate. Excessive barking is often a sign that something is 'wrong.' The first step in solving the problem is to work out why your dog is barking - is it boredom or loneliness? Is it to seek attention or alert you to something? Or is it due to fear or medical reasons?
Depending on why your dog is barking, you may need to take him or her on more frequent walks, take your dog to obedience training or take them to the vet for a check up.
When out walking, bring along plenty of dog poo bags and dispose of your pup's poop responsibly. Clean up after your dog in your yard on a regular basis as well.
Use a harness to keep your dog secure in the car. In the event of an accident, a harness will prevent your pup from being injured or injuring other passengers.
Do not leave your dog in a car if there is any possibility of them becoming heat stressed. Cars heat up quickly, even on mild days.
If possible, refrain from transporting your pooch in the back tray of a ute/truck or trailer. If you must do so, ensure they are harnessed and tied on, so they cannot fall off.
Carry water with you to provide your dog with a drink.
Having a pup can teach your child about responsibility and unconditional love. It is, however, of vital importance to supervise your children and pets. Most serious dog attacks occur in the home. Avoid accidents or attacks by never leaving your child and pet unsupervised. Some important tips:
Don't allow your children to play roughly or corenr dogs
Teach your child not to tease your dog
Don't cuddle face to face or hug the dog around it's neck
Don't disturb when the dog is sleeping, unwell or eating​
Don't approach a frightened dog
Teach your child the warning signs of a frightened or angry dog
Teach your child when to leave the dog alone