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An undesexed kitten can fall pregnant as young as four months old, leading to the birth of 20,000 kittens within two years.


Desexing is vital to managing overpopulation of cats and dogs. We are constantly raising awareness about the importance of desexing pets. It’s our job to advocate for the health, safety and protection of all animals. Desexing our companions is a really great way to tick all three boxes.

Benefits to your pet 

A desexed cat or dog is generally a healthier and happier pet. They will commonly avoid a lot of health problems associated with breeding, such as mammary and ovarian cancers, as well as uterine infections. Desexed animals are also less prone to wandering, which means they are less likely to go missing, get hit by a car or get in fights with other animals.

Benefits to you 

As an owner, having your pet desexed makes your life easier too! They typically won’t display all the behaviours that animals ‘on heat’ can display, such as humping, scent marking, excessive howling and discharge. They display less aggression too, which may result in less fights with other animals—including your other pets. And, because desexed animals are less prone to roam, they’ll spend more time by your side. What a bonus! 

Where to desex?

So, now that we’ve convinced you to get your pet desexed, what now?  

To get started, contact your local veterinarian and make an appointment for desexing. Prices for this procedure vary depending on sex, weight and species, among other variables. If cost is a barrier, there are a number of ongoing initiatives to look into. You can visit the National Desexing Network website to apply for low-cost desexing.

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